Scenar Therapist DL flyer

FREE to print

Our recent ET ENAR and Scenar Pro Training trip to India was truly wonderful
and we now have ET ENAR and Scenar Pro trainees in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune.
Like most Scenar Pro and ENAR practitioners, they are great with people but
not necessarily very good at promoting themselves as Trained Therapists. So,
in Australia we have a variety of resources that we can help you with including
Therapy ‘pull-up’ show banners, posters, patient info brochures, bus cards etc.

However the most useful thing we can give you is a re-writeable pdf DL flyer –
This enables you to change the text and address by yourselves and print out.
Just type your details into the first box, save and the other boxes will autofill.

These DL flyers can be printed out by you in B&W or colour and it enables you
to easily and inexpensively promote your therapy services locally, and beyond.
Of course you can pop it into any shops you custom, or letter you might write.